I set up my email address a while back, with the oldest email that I can currently access from late 2021. I say this as it's almost certainly older, my school email address has existed since 2018 and I don't believe that I've never set one up before then.
In that time, I have only racked up about 1GB of the free storage available, for the simple reason that in the history of my email account, I've never really used it. Sure, I've developed the concerning habit of checking them every day, hoping something new arrives yet never doing so, the monotony getting me through my morning in the same repetitive fashion.
The first email I ever received from my school announced that I had joined my form's email group. To my knowledge, that group was never used, neither were the groups for maths, English, science, Latin, etc. There was that one time someone emailed "yo" to the whole school, and they restricted the ability to email others unless you CC'd a teacher, which was a massive hindrance to everyone, not least as you couldn't even email yourself. However, I never used the email to send messages to anyone, until I finally did to ask a teacher about homework. Afterwards, I began using it a lot, especially during lockdown when you couldn't access teachers any other way, and I eventually slowed this streak down because I grew out of love with the idea of email. As evidence of my excess emailing, look no further than my French teacher telling us in every homework assignment to not email the day before the homework was due, as that was unacceptable - this came after I engaged in a lengthy email chain, mainly because the task made no sense.
This is where my personal email address comes in, when I got the oldest email still accessible to me. It was from Twitter, would you believe it, back when they were called such and it wasn't merely "Republicans next door". "We noticed a login to your account from a new device. Was it you?", it read. Yes it was, now go away.
Perhaps counterintuitively, I don't use my personal email address much to send emails. Instead, I use it when I have to, which probably isn't the best idea because there are obvious privacy issues with it. I do, thankfully, have another email address, which I use for this blog. You can find it on my profile page, maybe you'd like to send me an email that way about a blog idea, to point out a speling mistake I made, or to just ask me something.
I'll likely set up more emails, now that I think about it. That would be a good start; maybe I should also accept the medium more, especially as instant messaging and social media have eclipsed the value people see in emailing.
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