In eighty-one days, I will have my first A Level exam, and I'm not sure if I'm that ready for it. I've certainly been revising for my A Levels, it's not like I'm neglecting them, and I think that's evident in the reduction of writing that I've been doing on this blog. However, that's not to say that revision is the centre of my life - far from it. And nowhere is that more obvious than in my mock exams so far.
I have had four mock exams to this point - one in chemistry, one in further maths, and two in physics. And having sat these exams, this is where I think I'm at in each of them:
- I've revised excessively for chemistry - I've already done half the past papers for my exam board, and especially in physical chemistry, I'm starting to be able to do the questions using a tried and tested method which often gets quite repetitive. I've decided to study chemistry at university, and as such I need at least an A - which I am at right now!
- Physics is a strange case, as I often get good grades in it yet it's personally not my best subject. Part of this is that waves in general have been rather fiendish. In one of the mock papers, for instance, I got the wrong answer because I didn't know we had to halve the wavelength at some point. Yet I'm determined to put my physics woes right - I will start regularly revising. I only need an A to get in to my first choice uni, after all, so it shouldn't be too hard.
- Having already obtained an A* in maths, I don't particularly need further...but it's not like I'm happy to give up and take a C or the like. I don't need a grade in further maths for my uni options, so I ought to relax and study it when I have some available time...whilst ensuring the minimal revision I do is also very strong.
Here are some notes for my future self:
- Radians are annoying, aren't they? All your life you use degrees, and then suddenly you need to start using this new angle measurement system. It's even worse when you have to use radians and degrees in the same exam, and if you don't switch modes, you lose marks. I learnt this the hard way recently.
- Focus more on polar coordinates if possible, because the questions are only going to get stranger from hereon in.